Welcome to the Twitterverse, Pope Benedict XVI aka @Pontifex !!!

I think it’s terrific that the Pope is now on Twitter.


Read all about it here.

Imho, the Vatican should really be in the digital arena spreading The Word. I followed several Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr accounts to see inspirational verses before I finally decided to get my own Bible. The internet is a great stepping stone to make people get to know the teachings of Christ. I am very interested to read what the Pope has got to say about the hundreds of issues we’re facing. And of course, I am expecting that he will impart lessons that can answer a question with utmost importance– What Would Jesus Do?

Let’s see on December 12 what his first tweet will be. 🙂

You can follow Pope Benedict XVI by adding @Pontifex.


Follow me : @iyassantos


listening to: Casting Crown – In Me